About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day -1 of exams

Wow... I think this would be correct now... Exams are tmr!!! 12+ le...

Gambatte everyone... I hope i dont die so bad...

Still got Chi Hw, got History Hw, got Jap hw... Sigh... Today gonna finish Jap n Hist, tmr chong chinese n put it in Sions pigeon hole... Bleargh

Monday, April 26, 2010


Exams this week. WOW. No pressure yet... Actually got, but not doing anythign about it... Gonna do other work le...

Tired... Was not feeling well... Emotionally, the entire day... But better now... Gonna focus on work... Then go sleeep....


Screw this weekend

1 week before exams... Feel fucked up... No way near good... Haiz... No more fire... Has been pretty obvious for so long... But only realised it now...

Why have u forsaken me?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day I dunno

Did my japanese oral test yesterday...

Screwed it up a lot... Have not been posting recently... Damn busy nows...

Not gonna post much.. The feeling that this yr is life-less is now stronger than never...

Haiz... A Song for this post...


微涼的晨露 沾濕黑禮服 石板路有霧 父在低訴
無奈的覺悟 只能更殘酷 一切都為了 通往聖堂的路
吹不散的霧 隱沒了意圖 誰輕柔踱步 停住
還來不及哭 穿過的子彈 就帶走溫度

我們每個人都有罪 犯著不同的罪
我能決定誰對 誰又該要沉睡
爭論不能解決 在永無止境的夜
關掉你的嘴 唯一的恩惠
擋在前面的人都有罪 後悔也無路可退
以父之名判決 那感覺沒有適合字
就像邊笑邊掉 凝視著完全的黑

低頭親吻我的左手 換取被寬恕的承諾
老舊管風琴在角落 一直一直一直伴奏
灑向那群被我馴服後的獸 沉默的喊叫
沉默的喊叫 孤單開始發酵 不停對著我嘲笑
回憶逐漸延燒 曾經純真的畫面
殘忍的溫柔出現 脆弱時間到 我們一起來禱告

仁慈的父我已墜入 看不見罪的國度 請原諒我的自負
沒人能說沒人可說 好難承受 榮耀的背後刻著一道孤獨

閉上雙眼 我又看見 當年那夢的畫面 天空是濛濛的霧
父親牽著我的雙手 輕輕走過 清晨那安安靜靜的石板路

那斑駁的家徽 我擦拭了一夜 孤獨的光輝 才懂的感覺
燭光 不 不停的 搖晃 貓頭鷹在 窗欞上 對著遠方眺望
通向 大廳的長廊 一樣 說不出的滄桑
沒有喧囂 只有寧靜圍繞 我 慢慢睡著 天 剛剛破曉



Friday, April 16, 2010

Day before Open House

YESTERDAY WAS EFF-ING LOUSY!!! Whole body was aching before japanese class... N then during jap itself screwed up my vocab quiz... Not to mention being late for japanese class by like 20 minutes. Felt no better after japanese... More feverish, & aching even more... After that, 1 hour slack before physics interest group first meeting & testing of demo... Only to result in much more aching down my back & legs... Left for home early, & across entire trip, was super uncomfortable... quite surprised & saw the drink stall auntie & uncle of Henry Park. Haha, actually went to say "hi", lucky they never talk much back, if not would have gg-ed real bad.

When i reached home, tried to act normally. Failed real bad... Took not long for mum to realise I was sick, & she immediately got me to sleep, n told me i aint gonna go school today... was like sian, but was so tired that i did not care n just slept... T

Today was much better, though still a little aching... But finished jap homework & gonna do chinese now...

Hope i can go openhouse tomorrow

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Nothing much... But today was a good day! Was nowhere near sad or dreadful when heading home...

But to think about it... MPP meeting today felt damn lousy, not to mention everything before it... MPP discussion was well, decent... But we spent half the time revising what we had done... Was so close... SO close to shouting at miss Chua... But i guess she did it for aceptable reasons... no one would be to blame to think that our MPP group have not been keeping in contact... So much things more to do for MPP... & so little time... Wonder if we can decently pull-through.

Haha, then got Math make-up... Was rather decent, got my math ego boosted! Solved 3 proving questions with no help at all! WHEEE!!!! Haha... Then afterwards went down canteen & was asking Simin math... N finally got some hang of most of the chapters... But still have much practicing to do before the examinations.

Then Gui popped up! Haha that cute little joker... So long have not talked to him yet... Haha, but then chose to go home early... Not exactly regretting leaving Gui, but then later sion was like "sly stare" at me when she saw Simin n i at the busstop...

Haha, gonna work on Math tonite.. N if can finish, will do math filing also! Hopefully can finish all today... As well as studying japanese. So I have all the time in the world to do Chinese compo b4 jap. HaHaHa.

Exam closing in...JIayous for everyone!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010



SCREWED CHEM UPDOWNLEFTRIGHTCENTER!!! zzz, first question made me lose all my confidence.. Not a single ounce of confidence left after that... GOT SOOOO STRESSED!!!!! All the easy questions so stress... All the tough questions like see wanna cry like that sia... I think this time only get 20 sia....

SO many things on my mind recently... SCREW MPP ><
LSM... Sry for doubting u...

Confidence is more important than knowledge.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 2


Thursday today... Screwed up my japanese vocabulary quizz.... but not as bad as normal... N since i did study my best... NO GUILT AT ALL!

ZZZ... 10.26 now... not very tired... But heavy hearted... dunno why.. just thinking about non-happy stuff & negative stuff...
Sigh... But dont want to sleep, lying on my bed only makes it worse....

Stay cheerful

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 1


day was a norm, yet head is an epic ache.

shall keep this short n sweet

Today was quite irritable at times... T & D was lame... Brendan was being asshol-y(get the pun?) Tired... Sickly... Neutral Mood...

BUT DINNER WAS AWESOME!!!! not the food... But we actually talked.... Though depressing stuff about my mum n sis emoing... Still, better than cold face throughout... Haha, but it got much better to the end... Was talking about my grandaunt... Who suicided at my manyue...

But still... Death...

What you miss of a person when he is long gone is not the person himself... But the things he would & could do if he was still around...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I am really bored...


I am way bored, hence I made a blog... but nevertheless since its here... Let's try to make this blog decent...


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...