About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You know, sometimes, i just wanna lie down. on a field. and lay there resting for the entire day. rain, shine, moon, stars. I will just lie there and rest

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


You, how much I love you, yet how much too I do not know how to express this love. You misunderstand me, and I have gone tired. The best I can do is to stay quiet and suffer in silence.

You, you who I know is always there for me, I do not know how you think sometimes. Sometimes, it just makes me feel like you have been fooling with me all these while. And that i am nothing but cheap slime to you.

You, you who I used to adore and care for so much, I do not know where we stand anymore. Sometime when I see you, I can sense that there is still something there. This feeling I have, is it true, or merely my own imagination?

You, my most dearest friend, you misunderstand me, and I do not know you anymore. How much I desire for a long day with you, just to talk about anything we want to talk about. I just wanna hear you talk. No jokes. No passing comments. No masks.

You, my little one, how much I think about you. You make life bearable for me. You make me smile through your little actions and gestures. You keep me looking forward. You keep me going. Nevertheless, sometimes you just tear me apart with the little things that you do. I guess its my fault. That I am too reliant on you, I have lost myself to you.

You 2. My little sisters, how it hurts to see us grow apart: it is like I no longer know you anymore. Yet this care I had for you, I still cannot let it go. It hurts, so much, to thinking about you.

You, my younger brother. What happened? It fills me with regret on how you have turned out. I still see a shadow of who you were. You have changed, true. But your mask now. It's bad, I do not like it. But, who am I to judge?

You, my punching bag. Yes, I will not hide the fact. I have treated you badly, I really have. When all doors were close, you stayed open and took my blows. I am sorry. Now, I have turned cold and only done you more wrong. Will I just turn out to be like the other 2? Or will this candle die out even before it reaches that stage?

You, my elder. I miss you. I miss sharing with you. I miss having your company, I miss learning from you. I feel like a little brother learning from his older bro. Sure, I doubt we are close. But being with you, it just lets me relax unlike anything else. How much I wanna be with you again... It's just so sad that you will be leaving...

I might lose some of you. I don't want to. But if I do, at least, I will remember.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

There was a young boy who was running about in his home. And he fell... He did not cry, but he was shock. He expected his mum, who was nearby, to help him up. His mum walked over to him, but just stood there next to him. I doubt he understood, but after sometime, he stood up by himself. He looked up and expected to see his mum to be proud. But no. His mum shoved him and he fell again. He was hurt. Not his bum(that hurt of course), he was hurt more than that. He did not understand. He stood again, his mum shoved him again, and he fell again. Again and again, this happened. He did not understand his mum's actions, he did not understand his feelings. An nknown emotion rose within him, was it anger? was it betrayal? was it sadness? He stood once more, his mum shoved him. He held his ground. His mum walked away.

Some lessons need to be taught the hard way. That was my first.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

LOL random yes, SIDE EFFECTS

I kinda like this song, quite random but ohhwell~ First embedded song on my blog LOL xP


Monday, October 3, 2011

Don't wanna do Chinese! X0

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I miss you. Will you come online? :/ Hai...


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...