About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I dropped down to my knees and I started to pray, don't know if you're up there, but I got a heavy load

Friday, December 2, 2011


Alright, ohhwell, I'm in switzerland now. 2nd day I'm here, and the first proper full day xP ohhwell, okay, the flight was pretty good, I won't say much about it. Or maybe I will. First time I remember being on such a long haul flight (singapore to zurich) the real first time would be when I was a little kid, going to the US... Heh, I fell sick then, according to my mum. Anyway, lang haul flights are just super wts. Its like almost an entire day up in the air, but cos of the direction of flight, we arrived in zurich at like 8am? And then geneva at like noon. And it is seriously wth? 11 hours gone and I feel like I travelled for at least a day! Meh, but ohwell, the first day was good. Lunch was awesome! Heehee, the creamy pizza hashbrown thingy, and the chicken with potatoes! And the mediterrenean rice thingy hahaha...

Then night time, just had a lot of fun and just played stupid games with ian and jihyun till... 10 lol! Haha, yes, we slept really early. Anyway, damn funny, I escorted jihyun back to her room afterwards cos apparently it was not safe for a girl to move by herself at night haha, so liddat lo, its totally fine ba, but seriously, when I came back walking to my room, it was quite scary xP somehow it reminds me of some ghost movie cos like the hostel has many turns and stuff xP heh.

Anyway, then thaat was yesterday. Now, we are in some mall after highing for damn long, we decided to settle down for dinner. Thank so much that the waitress here speaks english, omg, I almost typed 'chinese' lol! So anyway, I shall recount tday backwards. I am damn tired, and I belive the others are tired too... Hmm, we were buying souvenirs in the supermarket. Ohhwait, not me, they were xP bought a lot of posh looking chocolates xP hahaha, anyway, afterwards we went around looking for food and styff... Meh, super tired now, I shall hold this post first and continue later
Okay! Side track people, the toilet is in a bar! So cool, like you just walk into the bar for the toilet!
Okay, now is after debrief, and I literally forget everything already except for the debrief la. Dr hang ain't such a boring afterall, he thinks quite a bit. Though the extent of which I am not too sure... Here's the question though, is it only some people who think, or only some people who say what they think? XP hahahah.

how much I miss you...


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...