About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Thursday, April 18, 2013


April 19, 2013…

Life is not about “I was”, do not relish in past glories, nor regret in past failures.
Life is not about “I will”, do not float in dreams of the future, nor tremble in worries of tomorrow.
Life is about “I am”, live an authentic life, in all its beauty and all its weakness.

I would describe myself as a being of the now.

Just yesterday, I was badly thrashed in the interschool tournament. In 6 months time, I will hand down captainship to the next leader. Now, I am Captain of the Tennis Team of NUS High School.

There is that minimum that a student leader needs to accomplish. Yet, there is that much more possibilities and potential one can realize. And I am burn to realize my dreams for the team.

Despite being fortunate to have played in the nation-wide tennis tournament for 4 years, all the match experience was still insufficient to perform in the national tennis scene. We lack commitment, we lack training, but most importantly, we lack the “know of winning”. Despite being better skilled than many of our opponents, we lost through mental and emotional weakness.

I will not allow my juniors to fall the same way we did, I will initiate a culture of commitment. I will have to train the juniors, and above all, I will have to push them to strengthen mentally and emotionally.

I spend time now nurturing the leaders I need to assist me. I plan now to meet the targets which I have set. I, too, surge forward now to grow sufficiently for the trials ahead.

I am a collective of my past experiences, my dreams and hopes of the future, and my actions now. Only time will tell if I succeed.


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...