About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ASXC day

OKAY, damn depressing ASXC. We asked some science centre person to switch off our exhibit cos we left it on int he annexe and the person said she told her colleague and they switched it off le. Guess what! NO! they did not swtich it off... -.- our weakest laser overheated and by the time it was our turn to present, that laser barely shone and it looked stupid.

Then 1 judge was a cock. talk don't listen. like hello, people can know you are smart like being the awesome judge who is so awesome but i cant rmb his name: he was the smp dude and the guy at the first clinic. he is just super zai. so yea, this shit judge asked us a question but when i explain it to him, he thought i was bsing and did not even listen to me -.- lucky the nice dude told him to shuddup (in a nice way) our presentation was damn short. i dunno why. compared to the rest like 15 minutes ours was maximum 10 lo. but whatever. its over. I wanna get some prize!!!! like seriously all the hardwork xP wanna get some recognition for ASXC!!!

Okay then coming back to school. It poured,literally. got so damn wet. then in NUSHS, no rain at all. -.- we were all joking that maybe we should tell ppl we ran back to nushs from science centre. xP anyway, I came in like a boss, half way through mentoring, knock door walk in "sup guys! hi miss huang", then take a seat xP

well ace was kinda dumb anyway, conflict management, like... zzz....

then. CVL (: quite okay i have to say, im not complaining about him xP sitting next to punitha indeed makes me more mugger, never bring notes i still used foolscap paper to write stuff down and even attempted the questions xD

then afterwards went to try call mum tell her about the backup emcee thingy... but she never pick up... by the time i called her again, she already cooked rice le... so i went home. and then it was so awkward when i came home. i wanted to just kill myself like seriously the knife was just right infront of me. mum was like emoing and siansian, and i was like damn sad and feeling like shit. gosh... sent an apology email to caroline gordon then went to bathe. did my english letter (and finished it!) then im here now blogging...

okay i really suck right? i just left you there all by yourself? and you were saying that im not that bad? I miss you. I miss you so much.

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