About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25th 2012, 3 days without you

Wow... Today was one rough day. Chemistry in class assignment was like gosh... I feel so horrible after chemistry in class assignment... I totally do not get electrochemistry >< I have to revise hard this weekend, and if then, i still do not understand, needa get help from Mrs Soong ASAP before the test! Hai... So stupid. I can't do chem major well at all... hai... ><

Then ARP! Wow. Learnt so much! We went down to learn from Aaron (Dr Kwan's Research Assistant) regarding how to do the reactions and all! Super cool! BUT SUPER FAIL! We screwed up big time haha. Added too much reactants here, added too little reactants there. Left the NaBH4 exposed too long without putting the other compounds! (NOTE: put it in the last! It's very unstable!) Our solution ended up some weird black yellow color when it was supposed to be light yellow... ohhwell. Aaron said he had to make 20 sets of solutions before he actually made one which was decent... meh ><

Was having a thumping bad headache halfway through the experimentation... well it's much better now i guess... after sleeping from 7-9pm... gonna sleep soon again after settling some stuff... ><

Tomorrow morning have to revise for Chemistry Honors Quiz + Study for English AQ sian... >< AND RUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha, tomorrow is a long day... but once tmr is over... :) things would look much better... ball by ball, step by step... hai...

Well... Life without you doesn't seem so unbearable afterall... But there's still that silent ache... How are you doing? hai...

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