About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Saturday, September 29, 2012


HAHAHA okay I'm so bored but yea xD See if you can find it~~~

All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC some villagers practice a unique form of logging. If a tree is too large to be felled with an ax, the natives cut it down by yelling at it. (Can't lay my hands on the article, but I swear I read it). Woodsmen with special powers creep up on a tree just at dawn and suddenly scream at the top of their lungs. They continue this for thirty days. The tree dies and falls over. The theory is that the hollering kills the spirit of the tree. According to the villagers, it always works.

Ah, those poor naive innocents. Such quaintly charming habits of the jungle. Screaming at trees, indeed. How primitive. Too bad they don't have the advantages of modern technology and the scientific mind.

Me? I yell at my wife. And yell at the telephone and the lawn mower. And yell at the TV and the newspaper and my children. I've ever been known to shake my fist and yell at the sky at times. 

Man next door yells at his car a lot. And this summer I heard him yell at a stepladder for most of an afternoon. We modern, urban, educated folks yell at traffic and umpires and bills and banks and machines - especially machines. Machines and relatives get most of the yelling.

Don't know what good it does. Machines and things just sit there. Even kicking doesn't always help. As for people, well, the Solomon Islanders may have a point. Yelling at living things does tend to kill the spirit in them. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts.

-Robert Fulghum-

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us." 

I believe in God though, though not the Church xD

Saturday, September 22, 2012

if you think there is nothing else to fix, that means 2 things. You're either dead or perfect. are you either?

Maybe talking things out may help with the pain aspect? I'm not too sure, though.

hook, jab, dash

i don't really  know what to do anymore now.

why can't we just talk

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bolster, verb

"I am very careful whenever I know you’re on the phone with your father. I know you’ll come to me eventually, and we’ll talk you through it. But I have to wait — you need your time. In the meantime, I’m careful what songs I play. I try to speak to you with my selections."

-The Lover's Dictionary"


Saw this picture last night on tumblr. It's motivational. It's inspiring. But I must disagree to this s***. If you need to move on a bicycle to keep your balance, what does it show? It shows you don't know how to ride a bicycle well. Same with life. If you have to keep moving to keep your balance in life. there's something wrong. fundamentally wrong. and no shit's gonna save you, and all that's gonna happen is that you're going to keep moving faster and faster. and soon, you'll crash. you'll burn. Stop when you still can and fix the problems.

Face them. Don't just ride on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Tonight, I stood among the ashes of so many people who are no longer with us, and the body of one, and the hearts of many who still are. Each one of these many people carry with them a story. A story which brought them here. So many different stories all coming together to conclude the story of one. And how many more stories which failed to be brought here, so many different stories going away not to conclude this one.

Okay, I am not making sense now. Good night blog.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Gauntlet

Well I just got back from a break in the fight 
I was weighing in heavy but still feeling alright
all I hear in the distance - mines and shells
here come the sirens wailing another attack to be repelled

Do you think we're gonna make it?
I don't know unless we try
you could sit here scared to move 
or we could take them by surprise
it's submission that they want
it's surrender that they need
when we're doing it their way 
their aims will be achieved

They're gonna come when you're not ready
when you're not too well-prepared
they're gonna prey upon your weakness
no man's soul is ever spared
you've got to stand up, yeah, and fight them
show them what it's all about 
this man is not for sale 
there will be no backing down.

Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you
We shall succeed, 
Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you

They won't get me, they won't get me
though they never cease to try
they won't get me, they won't get me
I would rather fight and die
they won't get me, they won't get me
well my friend will they get you?
when they get you, when they get you
tell me what you're gonna do?

Do you think we're gonna make it?
I don't know unless we try
you could sit here scared to move 
or we could take them by surprise
it's submission that they want
it's surrender that they need
when we're doing it their way 
their aims will be achieved.

They're gonna come when you're not ready
when you're not too well-prepared
they're gonna prey upon your weakness 
no man's soul is ever spared
you've got to stand up, yeah, and fight them
show them what it's all about 
this man is not for sale 
there will be no backing down.

[Chorus: x2]
Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you
We shall succeed 
Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you

revolution, noun
A revolution. A radical change normally associated with violence.
A revolution. Coming one full circle.

A revolution of revolutions. Radical changes which lead no where but the start. Cycles of change.


You know what is irrational? It's how happy I feel watching you sleep right there where you're sleeping xD It's so weird, I find it cute, and I'm really happy to see you there xD

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Memories of the young me

The hippocampus is a brain structure thought to be crucially involved in the formation of memory for facts and events. At birth and in early childhood this structure is not fully grown, and so memory of birth is unlikely. What's interesting is that the brain structure for emotional memory, the amygdala, is mature in infancy - the outcome of these two facts being that an emotionally significant event during infancy may affect the way a child behaves later in life despite them not being able to remember the actual event.

-David Sant, Oxford-

In other words, many times, remembering an incidence when one is very young, very small still, would result in being fully able to relive the entire emotional feeling, yet not remembering what caused it. Or only fragments of it.


"Whirlwind", "speed"

Wisdom (Greek Origin)

Swift (Gaelic Origin from eimh "swift")

Wisdom (Gaelic Origin from sean "old,wise" abhann "river"

Happy Birthday


Happy 17th Birthday... I don't know if I should directly wish you... And thus (this). This is the 4th year which I'm wishing you "Happy Birthday" and the context for every year has changed so much... I hope I'll keep wishing you "Happy Birthday" for years to come :)

All the best!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Someone just douche-bag-ly said that I had to be more confident in myself (well, not toooo douche-bag-ly, but in a very rough and straight in the face way) and he mentioned too that it's very easy for one to do so, that it is merely a change of mindset (or something along those lines...) butbutbutbut... I must disagree... Sure, one can restart life anew with confidence, but doing so is wrong, and stupid. One has lived a life of however long one has lived, and to ignore everything, throwing away all the experiences that one has lived through, it simply feels very wasted and unauthentic.

One must analyse their own lives, their stories, to find out why they lost their confidence and only then, one can fully heal from it.

And I guess that's what I should try to do.

It's not about denial, it's not about reinventing yourself, it's about embracing who you are and what made you so, embracing both the past & present.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kiss From A Rose

            "To me you're like a grown addiction that I can't deny, won't you tell me is that healthy, baby?"


              How much easier would it have been if I did nothing.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Okay, firstly, I did not keep to my 1 word a day for 20 days thing. D:

Secondly, my last few posts have been 1 liners....

I think I have to explain myself:

Firstly, I am very caught up with many things in life!

1. SolidWorks!
    I need to learn how to use SolidWorks ASAP if not DCARP is screwed!!!!

    We're revving up and going onto the next phase of experimentations! Need to be much more careful and cautious. Not to mention I need to put much more thought into that now that we're progressing into light irradiation!

3. Korra
    Yes I know this is not work! But come on! The Adventures of Korra, the sequel to The Adventures of Aang (Yes, I love Nick's Avatar series!) has book 1 totally out and I just finished watching the whole thing. Doesn't help that I'm now totally waiting for book 2 to be out! I really love how even despite the fact that this whole show is merely cartoon and all, the character development for most of the characters in Aang were very well done! Although this is currently lacking in Korra, we gotto cut some slack! We're only a quarter our way through Korra for now! AND I LOVE NAGA!!! AND TENZIN'S KIDS ARE SOOOO CUUTTEEEE especially Meelo! HAHAHAHA!

*On a side note, did i ever mention how i rather the old kind of cartoon instead of the newer "realistic" CGI stuff ><

4. StarCraft
     I'm back to starcraft! Just finished watching 2 live matches between a friend and an online competitor! ZvZ matches! Both were so intense like crazy! Gotto watch the replay and learn how these boys played the matches! it's a whole notch above how i'm playing D:

andandand... WORK >< hai....

Friday, September 7, 2012


Can't we just be friends?


Unlock meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! D:

Talking (2)

      "It's okay to be scared. The important thing is to talk about our fears. Because if we don't, they can throw us off balance."


      "Admitting your fears is the first and most difficult step in overcoming them"


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...