About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Saturday, July 10, 2010

11:36 iPod touch

listening to William's castle. A song, obviously...

Today was shit. But feeling better now...

Supposed to be a good day, had philosophy dialogue today, was a slight disappointment... But hey! It was still fun, so does not matter... Then later... Was with cheeseng... Super shit with him... Yes you cheeseng... I really disaprove of your current style of doing stuff... But what am I to say, you enjoy it no? And anyway, I guess I'm upset to everything anyone does nowadays...

Then went home, dad smsed me halfway while I'm on the way home... Actually more like when I am at closing presentation... Reminding me that I lost the home umbrella in such a way which made me damn stressed...

Worried all the home... Turns out mum did not dare scold me: I like half-emo to her the other day... But she ended up with her classical lukewarm attitude, whilst dropping hints all over the place... Super bloody effing irritating & painful...

Went for bible study... Not too bad, john lum asked me to join church choir again... I'm like I will ask parents... Even though I knew no hope le... Just asked lor... Mum said stuff like I should not help out as I can't cope... She does not understand that nothing has ever filled me but God... & now... Whatever lor... Still gonna apply for council though...

Overall: today deproved from good to plain shit, with someone saving me at the end... 2 people actually... Thanks dudes...

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  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...