About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


This morning's dream

Crawling on the floor, might have been raining... I was all alone. In the dream, i was looking for Simin... >< Felt like i lost her or smthing... Then 3 guys appeared and blocked my way... Cheeseng, Yu Feng and Zong Yao...

Super weird... and scary also...

Day went pretty fine, other than the fact that this dream like kept haunting me for the entire day... Like some raincloud hovering over my head, could not have shaked it of.

Was super busy also. Got 3 hour break in tha afternoon.

1st Hour, Captain's Ball with class (: And super fun! Turns out Lee Ji-Hyun(just want to type her full name :P) quite okay in Capt's ball, learn fast also, but a little blur. Asked her to do the overpass thing to me, worked. Then the other time later i got the ball, she went to run opposite me behind Brendan. Haha, but then the ball she never expect, than lost ): Then went down and had pizza, lols, Miss Huang money no enough lor. total $150 leh... ):

2nd hour chiong to tennis. Was super late, (started at 1, but i just pwn) worth it i guess. But sourav was clearly displeased. Got to do banner tmr i think, or on the day itself. Hope they did the spraying le, so just need to knit it up.

Not the whole hour though, then went to look for Miss Yea with Audrey... She planning to make both of us heads of NEA. But still... Seriously hope she let us do stuff, if not just like puppet head liddat. >< Then was with cheeseng, talked about random stuff about the future. D: sigh, thinking about it a little sian...

Then got sometime more... When to talk to Simin, quite nice (: haha, got kuoxuan bouncing around here and there.

Physics talk was like err... ZZZ, super fail lor, but whatever, talking to Byorn, Andreea, Utkarsh, Yujia. So okay still. (:

(Now gonna think about Chem project le... ><)

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