About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Friday, January 21, 2011


Ended bad, but who cares. Let's imagine that did not happen

Okay, so tennis CCA. We started training for competition proper! Our school team this year is also pretty much confirmed le(:

And its confirmed that Chang Yoon is our best player! Clearly better than Hyeong Kyeong liao.

So here is the approximate heirachy

Chang Yoon Korean
Hyeong Kyeong Korean
Muruges Indian
Me? Indonesian Chinese
Jia Jun Singapore Chinese
Arif Half Malay/Chinese Singaporean
Chin Moy Indian
Yu Xuan China

Okay, just feel like putting down nationality, to show the multi-racial-ness of the school team. COOL RIGHT? LOL, random.

Note that top 2 are koreans. D:

Lets comment on the team!

Chang Yoon Best player, just worried about the pressure issue. deproves across
the set
Hyeong Kyeong Ex-best, but after injury (soccer, screw it) deprove a lot
Muruges Quite good strokes (better than me) but footwork sucks. So might
actually win muruges.
Me? Indonesian Chinese
Jia Jun Singapore Chinese
Arif Half Malay/Chinese Singaporean
Chin Moy Indian
Yu Xuan China

Well, after HK to B4 Chin Moy, we are around the same standard? Close enough

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