About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Super Computer Theory

*Disclaimer: This is gonna be long. So I wont write everything down in one shot, and no one is obliged to read this if you don't want to.


1. Everything can be represented in fixed values which would obey all of current scientific laws

2. The current model of science is correct (kinda a prerequisite for Law 1)

3. Heisenberg Uncertainty can go and die for now

4. Quantum entanglement can go and die too (anyway, we don't really get this anyway)


Imagine a hypothetical Computer which can record the properties of every particle in a system, AND can then run a simulation of the activities of these particles at real time or a higher speed. Now imagine this system to encompass everything existing (Defined as (in this case) Universe).

Let us say that it can compute at higher than speed of light, it kinda simulates into the future (okay, 1 law of physics broken already damn). Or at least let us assume that it can compute at the same speed as everything else is going (c). Hence, we literally have 2 worlds, 1 which we exist in, and 1 which we can observe from a 3rd person's perspective.

*Side note: this works in a way to tell people to shuttup about higher than light speed information transfer (how?), well, if such a computer can be made to work at any speed faster than the speed of light, viewing the "computer screen of the-little-bit-of-the-future" from the computer screen would be equal to viewing a-little-bit-more-of-the-future" and so on forever if you choose to see the computer screen again and so on. This clearly is some pretty screwed up shit.

Back to main argument: We have 2 worlds running side by side. Exactly identical (yet independent) in all possible ways for now and forever.

Implications of this:

1. Fate exist (If a computer can predict what will happen to you in the future, or to be precise, what you do in the future, (even though it cannot predict it now, but it will predict it then when whatever happens).

2. There is no such thing as free will. (You think you have a choice, but in actuality, what you do after some thought is what you will do anyway. The thought process itself must too be simulated in our nice little computer)

More implications next time... Needa do work now

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  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...