About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Friday, August 19, 2011


Dunno what to post. Today was tiring. Had some intense tennis (not to mention chionging SMP poster just b4 CCA xD) well there... then i still chose to go down to train afterwards... LOL, so sad cannot watch the running events which was held doing CCA times and the only classmate i watched was Rachel who was frigging imba! she was like from 4th place push all the way to 1st place, and that's not enough! she even pulled like almost 10 metres ahead of the 2nd runner! WOAH, all in 400m xD so pro lo! i'm so proud of her HAHA

Then yea, was motivated to train hard cos saw faraday losing a lot of the runs really badly... >< Was doing tiong suan's drills but afterwards got bored and ran 200m (failed, stop at around 180m BUT BIG IMPROVEMENT KAY?) I dunno la but always running the time will like be super dead after the curve and i feel myself slowing down and stuff... I don't even know if I am running in a considerable okay form... Then ran against Muru, HyeonKyeong in 100m, lost to both of them. According to leon who was watching, apparently i was too straight liao so get tired damn fast... (point to note) Like around 1.5m behind the other 2... hai so fail... I must seriously do some solid training to be ready for next year lo...

Ohh i forgot to mention that before i got bored and stuff... Haha, some year 2s were training too... Got joanna there xD spent some time feedbacking her runs and running with her... She seems to be pumping her legs damn fast but then... Short... so like... her sprint around my relaxed striding pace(and I still can talk and comment somemore) then luther down there can't get the normal starting position and then he like... zzz, like usual la! just talk cock no action one, he is gonna be so screwed for Monday's events man... ><

Then on the way home, met isaac at the busstop and started talking rubbish, then guess what? yawen, methien(if spelled correctly) and kelvin appeared! LOL they were gonna take 151 too to sunset way for dinner HAHA. So like we waited at the busstop for like super long then 1 151 came. BUT FULL. and so we decided to walk down. then nothing else much interesting happened. but ohh, i overheard a group of ACJC guys gossiping about politics between the current contestors for next year's ACJC school Captain of the CCA they are in. It would seem that they are like the Year 2s... but then... not too sure too.

LOL wrote so much.

:/ was hoping to see you

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