About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Thursday, March 31, 2011


It is these flaws of yours which make you human.

The Gauntlet

Well I just got back from a break in the fight
I was weighing in heavy but still feeling alright
all I hear in the distance - mines and shells
here come the sirens wailing another attack to be repelled

Do you think we're gonna make it?
I don't know unless we try
you could sit here scared to move
or we could take them by surprise
it's submission that they want
it's surrender that they need
when we're doing it their way
their aims will be achieved

They're gonna come when you're not ready
when you're not too well-prepared
they're gonna prey upon your weakness
no man's soul is ever spared
you've got to stand up, yeah, and fight them
show them what it's all about
this man is not for sale
there will be no backing down.

Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you
We shall succeed,
Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you

They won't get me, they won't get me
though they never cease to try
they won't get me, they won't get me
I would rather fight and die
they won't get me, they won't get me
well my friend will they get you?
when they get you, when they get you
tell me what you're gonna do?

Do you think we're gonna make it?
I don't know unless we try
you could sit here scared to move
or we could take them by surprise
it's submission that they want
it's surrender that they need
when we're doing it their way
their aims will be achieved.

They're gonna come when you're not ready
when you're not too well-prepared
they're gonna prey upon your weakness
no man's soul is ever spared
you've got to stand up, yeah, and fight them
show them what it's all about
this man is not for sale
there will be no backing down.

[Chorus: x2]
Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you
We shall succeed
Stand up and fight and I'll stand up with you



Chasing Cars

I need your grace, to remind me, to find my own.

Without you... They all would not mean much...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Leaving me out

Saturday, March 26, 2011





Thursday, March 24, 2011

Interesting Thursday

Really worried about subject specialization. Shall write that in an entire new post LOL

Haha, played with Zhang Xian table tennis just now, did 200 squats with him (my legs GG-ed) then went down to canteen to get drinks and talked a while... Classical LOL, he had to rush home cos his "mum is gonna kill" him LOL. So like old times... Like Friday night would go out dinner with 06 ppl, then Zhang Xian would have to leave halfway through when his mother call him and ask where in the world is he... >< Miss those times... Promised to spend time with him tomorrow. xD

AHAHA, tmr got a lot of activities

1. Physics project redo
2. Tennis with Nikki and they all b4 CCA
3. Chat with ZX
4. Concert!

Okay, 1. We realised how to make sexy sounds with the rods, so we gonna use the new technique instead, I verified earlier that the sounds indeed work well, even in class with so many ppl talking, so tmr i guess go level 6 some quiet place to do should be even more imba LOL

2. Tennis! Haha, dunno la, my tennis screwed up big time, but at least with Nikki Yi An Muru not that bad... At least can warm up b4hand... Whenever i play tennis with the 2 koreans... feel super noob lor... ><

3. Yep! mentioned above (: Lol, 6-7 b4 Concert! Hope he does not forget though? :/

4. Concert, HAHA, relax time and just hang around with friends... Dunno who to hang around with though? Simin and Cheese both busy? (i think?) ZX? He would probably be with his friends... >< Hai... Figure out tmr la, or i can just be alone and enjoy the concert as it is. (:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Come Primavera

L'inverno sai finirà,
e come è arrivato se ne andrà,
e scioglierà il dolore,
come la neve al sole.

E le ferite che hai,
lo sai guariranno prima o poi,
dopo la notte l'aurora,
ancora verrà si perchè.

Torna alla vita più serena,
che rifiorisce come primavera,
la vita grida a voce piena,
dentro te.

Ritroverai anche tu,
la forza che ora non hai più,
e quella voglia di vivere,
che ancor non c'è tornerà.

Torna alla vita più serena,
che rifiorisce come primavera,
la vita grida a voce piena,
dentro te.

La vita grida a voce piena,
dentro te come primavera.

Jiayous... (: Spring will come

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last night

This morn to be precise... Had an uneasy sleep, many dreams. One of them is super scary... dreamed that i was standing in the rain, and the cool rain... suddenly, it turned into blood... Then... I stood there like some dumbass and cried. ><


It just seems... That you are happier with others...

Monday, March 21, 2011


Reading my blog posts... Okay... It seems rather embarrassing, all those things i wrote in the past... zzz, should i edit it and "censor" some stuff? xD Neh, I wont.


Pretty little birds~~


Now, my blog looks very bright! Haha, like "A Thousand Suns" black and white. Super big contrast! Shall tweak my blog a little, and seriously, i dunno what to name it. Any good names to recommend?

The Homily

Okay, the homily of today's 10.15 mass, okay, YESTERDAY'S mass. It was damn fail. Father Heng was just crapping about how all natural disasters are cause of us HUMANS! LIKE HELLO!!!! EVEN EARTHQUAKES HUMANS ARH?! BULLSHIT MAN! What rubbish, environmental destruction caused by humans, YES, but EARTHQUAKES AND TSUNAMIS! WTF MAN!

He loves injecting the sense of doom and failure of humans into his sermons, and dont tell us how to improve, just tell us stuff like "hey, you suck! Go to live like Jesus" What the hell? never even tell us how to do so, just ask us. COCKENHEIMER!!!! damnnit la, feel like the priests in church are getting more fails. Father Colin and Leslie Raj left, O Neal died, Keane too tired. Left with these 2 jokers... wahseh... okay, Father James is still alright... Not as far-fetched as Heng, but still not directly applicable lor... HAI...

The reason I still go to church, is to try to reignite my faith, but all this... ><

A side-track, even though earthquakes and tsunamis do kill people and stuff, you NEED earthquakes to renew the lands, to give dynamism to the world, and tsunamis... bobian, earthquakes underwater and tralalala lor. These are miracles of God, if you are there, not man-made abominations.

A boy

My cousin's friend... Well... 7 years old boy.

His mum told him to run and get some stuff, he ran, and fell. His skull fractured, and two thirds of his brain messed up real bad. Left with an intact body and no mind, all he has left of his brain was the back of it. Just that little back part.

My aunt (that cousin's mum) sent me an sms to pray for the little one... The boy's mum is still clinging on to the hope that her son will recover from coma. Is it possible? Is it possible for the boy to return? My aunt petitioned us to pray for the boy to recover...

God, if you are indeed up there, please bring the boy home, cut the endless drain of his parents, cut his endless wanderings. Just take him.

If I were the boy... I really wish that I could just die then. My parents would be wasting money to keep me alive, no, to prevent me from dying; I would have no longer been alive. My parents would be emotionally drained, seeing me lie there in a hospital, alive, yet lifeless...

Hai... Better get out of this little emo ditch... ><

-Death is the only thing which is eternal-

Thursday, March 17, 2011


The hand is one of the most useful things that someone can have. it is used for so many stuff, you can't believe that its actually one of the first parts to die if the body has to choose, well, i dont really know.

hands... can be used to provoke others, hurt others, but it too can be used to calm others, comfort others... well, my hands are damn lazy of typing, thats what i know, and i shall not write an entire essay over here about hands...

im sleepy, my head is heavy, my heart is heavy. hell, my hands are heavy and i shall sleep le... i need the rest for tomorrow...

Holding your sweet little hands in mine...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recap: last night

Okay, Bio project...

Well... I saw the other side of a lot of people, and somehow... it switched on the other side of me i have not been showing very often... HAHA, until the guys all were super shocked. xD

Well... I guess they already know this other side of them. But i did not. so yea... when i can feel that they are focused upon doing the job, even though we are still laughing and stuff... I still can feel it...

It just struck me how people who i am not that close to... still can affect me a lot... I feel vulnerable now... >< hai... I need more faith in others... And myself?


Chasing Cars

Well... I'm re-in-love with this song... It just seems so... applicable xD

We'll do it all
On our own

We don't need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see

I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

But i don't like the name. like wth! what chasing cars, damn boliao. why not something like... FINE! Can't get a better name for the song. Damn it. AHAHA nvm, still a nice song. <3

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Today went pretty fine, did SMP at first... was rather screwed up... to think about it, felt super bitchy, made a lot of fuss for no reason, and all i did was to piss off one, and probably hurt another... Hai... >.<

Then... Bio... was quite productive... A lot of thoughts regarding the whole procedure... shall think about it another time, and post it... super tired now...


I made excuses for myself to wallow in self pity, but you dragged me out of it. thanks (:

HAHA, you can actually refer to more than 1 person xD combined synergy HAHA


It takes so much to hate someone.

Hating a person...

It certainly takes a lot of effort, and it certainly takes a lot of time, spending such time and effort on loving people who mean something to one, and ignoring those who just don't matter...

Now, ain't that better? xD

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours.


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...