About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Interesting Thursday

Really worried about subject specialization. Shall write that in an entire new post LOL

Haha, played with Zhang Xian table tennis just now, did 200 squats with him (my legs GG-ed) then went down to canteen to get drinks and talked a while... Classical LOL, he had to rush home cos his "mum is gonna kill" him LOL. So like old times... Like Friday night would go out dinner with 06 ppl, then Zhang Xian would have to leave halfway through when his mother call him and ask where in the world is he... >< Miss those times... Promised to spend time with him tomorrow. xD

AHAHA, tmr got a lot of activities

1. Physics project redo
2. Tennis with Nikki and they all b4 CCA
3. Chat with ZX
4. Concert!

Okay, 1. We realised how to make sexy sounds with the rods, so we gonna use the new technique instead, I verified earlier that the sounds indeed work well, even in class with so many ppl talking, so tmr i guess go level 6 some quiet place to do should be even more imba LOL

2. Tennis! Haha, dunno la, my tennis screwed up big time, but at least with Nikki Yi An Muru not that bad... At least can warm up b4hand... Whenever i play tennis with the 2 koreans... feel super noob lor... ><

3. Yep! mentioned above (: Lol, 6-7 b4 Concert! Hope he does not forget though? :/

4. Concert, HAHA, relax time and just hang around with friends... Dunno who to hang around with though? Simin and Cheese both busy? (i think?) ZX? He would probably be with his friends... >< Hai... Figure out tmr la, or i can just be alone and enjoy the concert as it is. (:

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