About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Imam and the Pastor

Well... The Imam & the Pastor, well just a brief background of these 2 holy-ly awesome men.


so yea. Well, these 2 dudes were there on the conference thingy i went today, and it was really great to have them there, but really bitter to have MCYS head to ks them so much. Come on la, face it, MCYS minister of state dont do much compared to these dudes, like COME ON! gosh, but never mind. AND I SAW AARON MANIAM, ADAM MANIAM'S (MPP mentor) bro! AND THEY ARE A REALLY MIXED UP FAMILY OF LIKE PAKISTANI, INDIAN, CHINESE, and God knows what else!!!

Both the Imam and the Pastor were damn good. Like seriously, they were confident, humourous (even though discussing serious stuff). Even with their weird accented english, their vocabulary was strong, and they really could speak their minds, maybe it's cause they do it over and over so many times before, but really! they linked it back to the audience (us) like, referring to the organisers and to us students. It was really wonderful experience listening to these guys!!! I really would love the opportunity to talk to either one or both of them privately!!! So coolll!

So epic man like the Pastor lost his hand fighting against the Imam and it was like. THEY FORGABVE EACH OTHER!!!! like omg, so awesome.... I totally like admire these 2 men. hai... kinda bittersweet that we did not manage to interact with them more...

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