About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Monday, July 4, 2011


Slaves of the very society they created. Who knew the almighty mitochondria would be at the service of eukaryotes? no one did. and in all ignorance they believed that they live and persevered on for themselves. true, but to what end. they only get to the furthest ends of the cell, any further, they will be destroyed. and now, the very environment of the cell causes mitochondria to grow in excess, and soon, cancer would come and death will consume all. in their ignorance, they believe that going further, hopping over to further cells would bring salvation, what salvation is that? such salvation only brings about increased egoism and shortsightedness, pride and ignorance. Chained to the unending pursuit of developments of its own destruction, and the destruction of all.

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  • fire...
  • & Good company
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