About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Monday, July 11, 2011

Yr 5 Commitments

Well there, hello. My ideal commitments for next year are as follows....

1. PIG (Physics interest group)
I CANNOT DROP THIS. not only do i feel obliged to Mr Tan, I also jio Cheeseng & Yos into it, and there are also Year2s who i encouraged to join... So yea.... I was slacking a lot last year le, this year however, i have been more active and I really believe that PIG is moving forward despite the lost of many of our seniors(really awesome people) I just hope that the future will be able to take step when we leave... If not, its just super irritating....

2. NEA
Well, sinking ship, but i wont leave my neas till its totally down. I just really hope that next year, more opportunities can be given and we wont be as choked as this year... Indeed if we are more active next year... I would be more busy... but... I really hope to be able to assist into the transition of NEA into council... The reason why i wanna be a singaporean citizen is really sparked off by my taking of NEA role in Year 1... I really want it to do well...

3. Tennis exco
hai... my tennis boys are really a joy to be with and they really show so much potential... Hoping that these boys would bring us further much is too much, but i really hope and believe that these boys will be the first major stepping stone onwards to the progression of tennis CCA... and i really wanna be part of it to nurture this little jokers (HAHA, thinking about them makes me laugh SO CUTE!!!)

4. Academically
MUST TAKE ---> Math, Physics, Chem honours
Might wanna take... Bio honors...

I really wanna finish up Physics Olympiad under Bernard Ricardo... I feel like this is a really good oppurtunity to be able to build up a strong mind for critical thinking (though i REALLY HATE THE TRIGO) AND SPhO!!!! At least a silver come on!!!! must jiayous!

5. ARP
SSEF GOLD!!!! MATERIAL SCIENCE PLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLSPLS I really need a solid partner to help me out... gosh... I really dunno who? Cyrus? :/ His commitment level.. does it match mine?

6. Japanese
Study group for japanese... I wont be taking jap lessons anymore le... I just really hope to use the opportunity of being close to fellow friends to buff-en up my jap and preferably can take N3 by next year end... AND BE ABLE TO CONVERSE IN JAP BETTER!!!

7. You
My loved ones... I put you guys all the way at the back cos there's just so much to say here... I really don't know how else to say this... And how many of you will actually read this? I only know 3 people who told me they do... But I really treasure you guys... But there's just all these things up there cluttering me up... And you guys got your own lives as well... I really wanna be there for you guys whenever you need me... And really, im glad to be able to be your friends... (: I'm always here yea? (:

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