About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Aug 11 2012

In the times of lords and barons and the aristocracy, men were not born equal. Some men were born better than others. A class above others. And everyone knew that, everyone acknowledged that. The aristocracy took care of those of lower classes, for it is their duty, a responsibility attached to their birthright.

In out times, all men are born equal. Equal in chance, equal in rights. Or so they say. And they say. Equal men now fight implicit wars against each others to grapple on to the top. And everyone knows that. Men against men. No quarters, no sympathy. After all, everyone is born equal. Equal in doubt, equal in viciousness, equal in ferocity. I win, you lose. Equality is our birthright, with no responsibilities attached.

In the time of aristocracy, groups of men pit themselves against groups of men. House against house. Clans against clans. The resultant spoils distributed unevenly across the various classes. Unevenly, but at least, distributed.

In our time of equalness, every man fights for his own. When men rally together to fight a common foe, and emerges victorious, they don't share the spoils. They fight over it. Ally against ally. Comrade against comrade.

And that, is the ugliness of the world we live in now

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