About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


How much does talking change the thoughts and views of people? Sure does a lot. Words. What's so powerful about sound? Sure, it's energy. But with so much less raw power as compared to other forms of energy. The power of words transcends the physical. Words hit hard to the mind, the soul, the heart.

Sure took very long, but LD has changed his perception of the results for the election. No overriding to be done now. But that is, for now. What happened? It's not my words which changed anything. Neither is it the elder captain. Nor the current one to keep the record straight and clean. It's an outsider. The well-said words of an outsider.

Those well-said words. How did they affect me? The fire in me is quenched. What if LD and the outsider had done this all on purpose. The whole set-up. Just something to silent the desires and thoughts of mine. A cacophony of words. A cacophony of words made to dance through the defenses and rigors of my mind. Not words hitting hard. But words slipping.

If I did not realize the possibility of this "discordant mixture of sounds" being not so random, carefully planned and directed. Would I just bounce on along with life feeling satisfied? Would that be better?

I do realize this possibility, though. Is this, too, carefully planned and directed? Maybe to confuse me and put me off guard? To shake my attention from the tasks at hand?

Talking. Thinking. These words hold much more meaning than words can place. Or maybe, it's just me. Too ill-skilled to use my talking to affect the thinking of others. My words unable to capture my thoughts. Unable to capture the conversations running and dancing in this mindscape of mine.

If words can wield so much power, how much more can actions wield?

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  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...