About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Friday, January 3, 2014

Alone on the bus

Had a wonderful and sweet meal with my cousins (and uncle and auntie) after work this evening. It was really great food, but even greater company haha :) My cousins are so adorable,

Yemerej is still pretty show off and crazy about cars and planes and technology, but I begin to sense a wandering in him; he is looking for something more. About time too, 16-17 years old now. Maybe I'll be able to be build an authentic relationship with him soon. He ain't really authentic with me now ;( but it's alright! We'll see what time can do.

Shaun... is the same, he's much more lonesome now, much less seldom interacting/rupting. Which I honestly don't know what to feel about. I hope that he'll be alright...

Eldon is cuteeee HAHA he's pretty show off too, still struggling with eating his food, but will always finish it up when forced, he's really easily pleased and happy, talkative (much more than Yemerej, who is beginning to talk less) and adorable, he ain't so fat anymore. But that's good HAHA he looked weird in his fat stage.

Ian! Haha he is pretty cute too! Much less cold than before. I can't believe it, he was so act cool on the previous few occasions we met! What did Aussie Education do to my couzzzs!!! It's really cute the way it was, but he's much more endearing now haha, he's willing to spend time to converse and play with me! (awwww xD)

I wonder how we'll all be when we grow up... I do hope we'll be able to talk and chill with each other then :) Drink alcohol at a bar or something when we're ALL of legal age HAHA. I wonder how they'll be among each other when they grow up, 4 brothers with the age gaps of 1-2-3 years respectively! (kuku and akim planned their kids well xD)

I see a lot of Mum in kuku ahui, the way he teaches his kids, through threatening punishments, rules and insults. Runs in the family I guess, I wonder how'll these boys will turn out...

I really enjoyed my time with the kids, putting a bit more of myself into family (albeit extended one) certainly makes the time spent much more enjoyable. Of course, it ain't just me, the kids themselves too are quite receptive. :) Being retarded and waving to them while they were on the shuttle back to their hotel was quite cool :) I enjoyed waving and sending them kisses HAHA, while I may have started to try to display affection consciously at the start, it became really natural towards the end :) I don't know if the kids sensed anything different, what I do know is that I feel so much more satisfied and happier with meeting them this trip round. Sending them off tomorrow...

NOW... (to the key story DUMDUMDUMMMM) Alone on the bus back home, with all these cuddly feelings of family and being really tired from sleeping late playing Total War and working and all, I wanted to take a nap on the bus.

Sitting next to me was an Indian office worker who originally sat resting his right leg on his left (which made it difficult for me to sit). I sat next to him anyway, and he promptly put his leg down. Being all happy and affectionate (like I normally am HAHA), I'd quickly thanked him and smiled haha... As we went down Orchard Boulevard, A wave of sleepiness struck BUT I knew. I knew if I'd let the sleep come, I'd risk missing my bus stop which would be terribly irritating.

So I thought of maybe asking the gentleman next to me when he would get off! If he was getting off near to my stop but before it, his leaving would awaken me. If he got off after me, he could wake me up if I wasn't up on time HAHA.

A really good idea! "Sir, may I know when you are getting off? You see, I wanna take a nap and I don't wanna miss my stop."

Haha, he smiled back and replied telling me botanic gardens station, (which was really great!). I promptly thanked him and attempted to enter lalaland.

BUT NOOOO! The connection between the stranger and I was too strong and sweet, our short conversation, despite being, well, short was wonderfully filled with smiles and happiness and I couldn't sleep afterwards HAHA

I then offered if he wanted to play Ultimate-Tic-Tac-Toe on my phone! Which he responded to rather pleasantly surprised! (It was really easy to talk to him for he was neither listening to music, nor staring at some book/tablet) I taught him how to play and we had a short game! He picked up real quick HAHA :)

He then asked me, "Do you normally talk to strangers and play handphone games with them?" to which I replied, "No. This is my first time, but I'd like to do so more often."

He laughed :)

He then asked me for my name, to which I replied "I'm the stranger on the bus sitting next to you". He looked at me with a puzzled and curious look. I continued "Why would you need to make me special in your memory by knowing what others call me? I'd rather you remember me merely as a stranger on the bus, such that in the future, you may show such trust and love to other strangers who sit next to you. For this relationship is not meant to be between you and I, but between strangers who are willing to open up to others around them.

His gaze turned pensive, "But what if others, next time, fail to react positively to my openness?"

I replied "Well, then, you'll have this wonderful first memory connecting with a stranger, and I hope it gives you the courage to try again."

"Alright, then." he replied with a profound smile. We'd then reach botanic gardens, and off he goes, a different man, and me, a different boy.

A few of the passengers around us saw the entire episode and heard our conversation, I hope the loves spreads, and may Singaporeans begin to live their lives to the fullest, connecting with the souls of fellow humans along their journey.

I sighed. He left, and I didn't dare to take the chance to open to him, except in my day dreams.

Nevertheless, let me remember this day dream of mine, and may I have the courage to open up to strangers, to touch their lives and let them touch my heart in return.

P.S. Year 5 and 6 recollection has not been done yet... Maybe I'll do it tomorrow night.

P.P.S. Upon my sister's return home, she began ranting about me not lending her my alarm clock (which she had held to her heart the ENTIRE day she was out [my heart wrenches for her heart]. And scolded me for multitudes of things, just like Mum would "Please la, I don't want you to send me tomorrow, just sweep the floor and I will be satisfied" "I don't need you to 关心我 just take care of the house can already" and more stuff along those lines. My heart was terribly hardened by the words she said (and more which I didn't post up here) and I really thought I couldn't write the beautiful story I wrote above. But taking a step back and talking about my cousins made my heart tender and open again and I managed to write the story I dreamed, albeit slightly different, for I could not pen down the actual daydream while I daydreamed, right? HAHA

Good night world. :) And may my heart be open tomorrow to receive happiness from the world, to be shared with my fellow men.

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