About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Describe, in less than 300 words, a short essay on a subject of personal importance to you. You may choose any topic. Examples include: an event which has influenced you or a family member/friend/person who had a significant influence on you.

Paulo Coelho’s stories have deeply touched my heart and I daresay, enlightened me. In The Alchemist, Santiago meets many different characters in the pursuit of his dream. The story of one character, the merchant, is deeply etched in my heart.

The merchant initially set up his shop selling crystals to earn enough money to fulfill his dream; a pilgrimage to Mecca. Unfortunately, upon setting up his shop, he got used to his lifestyle and made excuses not to pursue his dream. He ultimately lost his passion for life and his business began to deteriorate. It was only when his fate crossed paths with Santiago’s, did his life begin to change.

Santiago worked for the merchant with a steadfast desire towards his dream, and this pushed him to innovate and take risks, such as placing a display case outside to attract people over to the crystal shop. It was risky, for crystals were fragile, and the merchant was originally adverse to this idea. He finally conceded and agreed. Business improved.

Once more, Santiago suggested selling tea in crystal glasses. The merchant knew that this would bring more business, but was apprehensive to this change! It may sound absurd, but he didn’t want to expand his business. The hunger which Santiago possessed challenged the merchant to look for further horizons, for knowing his immense possibilities, he now knows what he can accomplish, yet he does not want it anymore, for he was too comfortable with the status quo.

The merchant would live the rest of his life only dreaming of Mecca. He would only see the immense possibilities of his businesses. I, too, have been touched by Santiago, but I refuse to dream about living. I will pursue my dream and live my life to the fullest.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

To Pick Up the Pieces of My Dignity

I've lost. I'd lost. For the past 2 days, I've been addicted to gaming. With no one to stop me, nothing to hold me back. 2 meals I had in the past 2 days, more than 40 hours spent on the computer in the past 2 days. My dignity lost in the past 2 days. Dangerous, terribly dangerous. Yet so easy, such a slippery slope to fall down. I had expected not being able to get my head out of it, I'd expected to waste today as well, but that's the interesting part. I won't.

I woke up today (just half an hour ago) feeling entirely usual: I could have just gone back into gaming. But no, something told me, from in me, that I had to stop. It's nothing strong, nothing pushing. There wasn't (isn't) even any emotion attached to it. No great rousing desire, no terrible frustration and pain. But just something to tell me to stop. Hell, what is this? I'd never believe I could do this; to pick myself up in such calmness. I'd thought it would be a full-scale drama, with crying and screaming in the dark. But no.

Maybe it's because my time is up (!). Haha that sounds really ominous eh? Well, I have work starting tomorrow, and I have shit to clean at home. So maybe it isn't terribly surprising that I'm subconsciously telling myself to get up and do what I need to. Effectively, I've ran out of time to waste. If this is the case, at least I'm happy that my body and mind can still do what it must (in the most rock bottom sense, as seen in the past 2 days and today as well), when it must.

One might have called me lazy, or maybe immature (yes you xD), but I'd like to call myself broken. I'd wanted to blog the above line yesterday, but couldn't give a damn and chose to attack Rome and Britannia instead xD But what I meant to post yesterday about "why?" is something I can't fully explain now, so I'd instead talk about it's benefits. I can hear the voices of the broken around me. It's a terrible gift, I feel. Being weak myself, I can empathize with the weak around me. That's really everything I have now. God, if you are out there, you've forced me to trade my pride, anger and hatred for empathy. It hurts, bro. But, I'd never want to return to who I was. So thank you. Thank You, all of you who had to be hurt for me to grow. And sorry. I'm Sorry that I had hurt You. Some wounds can never be healed, but I guess these wounds are the ones which will take you forever in life. I guess some lessons must be learnt by hard. BUT REALLY? I'd rather not have hurt you (gosh, there's quite a lot of frustration I sense in me when I broach this topic :/)

Any way, pros of what happened the past 2 days? I'd learnt how easy it is for a man to let himself slip away. Losing himself, losing everything around him. Now, it ain't merely words, I have an experience. May I take this experience and live life a better person.

I can not believe that I had never wasted my life away so much for such a long time. I'd never had the opportunity to just be all unproductive for such a long period of time. Well, now I did, and I don't see myself having another opportunity soon. That's kinda good, for I still don't trust myself.

P.S. I wanted to make a reference to Shingeki No Kyojin in this post, but the prose didn't give way for it to come. Well, so I shall include it in the Post Script. Well, while it's all fictional, all the drama and action, I'm pretty damn sure that when shit falls on humanity, there will be those who choose to fight, and those who would, naturally, back down and hide. Well, I want to be among those who fight. So I'd got to work my discipline and courage. For being, and knowing the weak, is a gracious gift to be brought to those who fight and win, and I should, in all my capacity, share my empathy with the winners in the world.

P.P.S. I've been avoiding thinking about Year 5 and 6 (especially when Rome Total Warring), so I can't make that post just yet. I shall soon, though! :)

... Scoffs at my hopes, there could be a million things which may happen which may interrupt this desire of mine.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Alone on the bus

Had a wonderful and sweet meal with my cousins (and uncle and auntie) after work this evening. It was really great food, but even greater company haha :) My cousins are so adorable,

Yemerej is still pretty show off and crazy about cars and planes and technology, but I begin to sense a wandering in him; he is looking for something more. About time too, 16-17 years old now. Maybe I'll be able to be build an authentic relationship with him soon. He ain't really authentic with me now ;( but it's alright! We'll see what time can do.

Shaun... is the same, he's much more lonesome now, much less seldom interacting/rupting. Which I honestly don't know what to feel about. I hope that he'll be alright...

Eldon is cuteeee HAHA he's pretty show off too, still struggling with eating his food, but will always finish it up when forced, he's really easily pleased and happy, talkative (much more than Yemerej, who is beginning to talk less) and adorable, he ain't so fat anymore. But that's good HAHA he looked weird in his fat stage.

Ian! Haha he is pretty cute too! Much less cold than before. I can't believe it, he was so act cool on the previous few occasions we met! What did Aussie Education do to my couzzzs!!! It's really cute the way it was, but he's much more endearing now haha, he's willing to spend time to converse and play with me! (awwww xD)

I wonder how we'll all be when we grow up... I do hope we'll be able to talk and chill with each other then :) Drink alcohol at a bar or something when we're ALL of legal age HAHA. I wonder how they'll be among each other when they grow up, 4 brothers with the age gaps of 1-2-3 years respectively! (kuku and akim planned their kids well xD)

I see a lot of Mum in kuku ahui, the way he teaches his kids, through threatening punishments, rules and insults. Runs in the family I guess, I wonder how'll these boys will turn out...

I really enjoyed my time with the kids, putting a bit more of myself into family (albeit extended one) certainly makes the time spent much more enjoyable. Of course, it ain't just me, the kids themselves too are quite receptive. :) Being retarded and waving to them while they were on the shuttle back to their hotel was quite cool :) I enjoyed waving and sending them kisses HAHA, while I may have started to try to display affection consciously at the start, it became really natural towards the end :) I don't know if the kids sensed anything different, what I do know is that I feel so much more satisfied and happier with meeting them this trip round. Sending them off tomorrow...

NOW... (to the key story DUMDUMDUMMMM) Alone on the bus back home, with all these cuddly feelings of family and being really tired from sleeping late playing Total War and working and all, I wanted to take a nap on the bus.

Sitting next to me was an Indian office worker who originally sat resting his right leg on his left (which made it difficult for me to sit). I sat next to him anyway, and he promptly put his leg down. Being all happy and affectionate (like I normally am HAHA), I'd quickly thanked him and smiled haha... As we went down Orchard Boulevard, A wave of sleepiness struck BUT I knew. I knew if I'd let the sleep come, I'd risk missing my bus stop which would be terribly irritating.

So I thought of maybe asking the gentleman next to me when he would get off! If he was getting off near to my stop but before it, his leaving would awaken me. If he got off after me, he could wake me up if I wasn't up on time HAHA.

A really good idea! "Sir, may I know when you are getting off? You see, I wanna take a nap and I don't wanna miss my stop."

Haha, he smiled back and replied telling me botanic gardens station, (which was really great!). I promptly thanked him and attempted to enter lalaland.

BUT NOOOO! The connection between the stranger and I was too strong and sweet, our short conversation, despite being, well, short was wonderfully filled with smiles and happiness and I couldn't sleep afterwards HAHA

I then offered if he wanted to play Ultimate-Tic-Tac-Toe on my phone! Which he responded to rather pleasantly surprised! (It was really easy to talk to him for he was neither listening to music, nor staring at some book/tablet) I taught him how to play and we had a short game! He picked up real quick HAHA :)

He then asked me, "Do you normally talk to strangers and play handphone games with them?" to which I replied, "No. This is my first time, but I'd like to do so more often."

He laughed :)

He then asked me for my name, to which I replied "I'm the stranger on the bus sitting next to you". He looked at me with a puzzled and curious look. I continued "Why would you need to make me special in your memory by knowing what others call me? I'd rather you remember me merely as a stranger on the bus, such that in the future, you may show such trust and love to other strangers who sit next to you. For this relationship is not meant to be between you and I, but between strangers who are willing to open up to others around them.

His gaze turned pensive, "But what if others, next time, fail to react positively to my openness?"

I replied "Well, then, you'll have this wonderful first memory connecting with a stranger, and I hope it gives you the courage to try again."

"Alright, then." he replied with a profound smile. We'd then reach botanic gardens, and off he goes, a different man, and me, a different boy.

A few of the passengers around us saw the entire episode and heard our conversation, I hope the loves spreads, and may Singaporeans begin to live their lives to the fullest, connecting with the souls of fellow humans along their journey.

I sighed. He left, and I didn't dare to take the chance to open to him, except in my day dreams.

Nevertheless, let me remember this day dream of mine, and may I have the courage to open up to strangers, to touch their lives and let them touch my heart in return.

P.S. Year 5 and 6 recollection has not been done yet... Maybe I'll do it tomorrow night.

P.P.S. Upon my sister's return home, she began ranting about me not lending her my alarm clock (which she had held to her heart the ENTIRE day she was out [my heart wrenches for her heart]. And scolded me for multitudes of things, just like Mum would "Please la, I don't want you to send me tomorrow, just sweep the floor and I will be satisfied" "I don't need you to 关心我 just take care of the house can already" and more stuff along those lines. My heart was terribly hardened by the words she said (and more which I didn't post up here) and I really thought I couldn't write the beautiful story I wrote above. But taking a step back and talking about my cousins made my heart tender and open again and I managed to write the story I dreamed, albeit slightly different, for I could not pen down the actual daydream while I daydreamed, right? HAHA

Good night world. :) And may my heart be open tomorrow to receive happiness from the world, to be shared with my fellow men.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Ranter

Hello blog. It's been a while. A year's gone and pass and a new year dawns. The most different year I will ever face approaches. Yup, I'd compare this to going to school for the first time, except I can't remember how it was like to go to school for the first time anymore.

I've been wishing people to live fuller and love deeper this coming year, I guess that's my greatest hope for myself.

Let's talk about how I've grown so far in life:

I started in an environment of fear, frustration and pain. These 3 emotions branded itself over two-thirds of my life, and it certainly propelled me quite far ahead. Pride, that's another thing which drove me quite a lot in the 2nd third of my life (primary school); I'd compete and challenge others and myself.

Then comes secondary school, pain abruptly disappeared, fear and frustration remained, pride held on, despite being hugely outgunned by the new school environment (and ALL THE SMART ONES). A thought dashing through regarding this; I really believe I could have achieved "greatness" in ONE field if I have dedicated myself to it. But no, that didn't happen!

I'd instead tried to get involve in many activities around me, House, NE Ambassadors, Tennis. Why did I do that? I wonder what exactly went through my heart then, but here are some of the key reasons.

a) I wanna remain out of home as much as possible (these activities gave me excuses to stay out, which I readily used) for I still feared and resented (is this the right word) being at home.

b) I wanted more friends, more platforms to meet and get to know people!

c) I wanted to feel and look impressive (my dream of the perfect me, then, was someone who could do many things well, whom everyone was comfortable being with [thus resulting in me trying to talk to everyone, yet ultimately not being able to be close to anyone] and generally being the cool kid)

Now c) obviously failed heh.

And I got into a relationship. I got into a relationship because of b) and c). How bloody selfish of me. Did I really like her? No, I didn't really. I did feel she was kinda cute then. Really, in all honestly, I wanted to get to know her friends more actually. (How my heart turns and wrenches at this truth) I wanted to be the cool kid who had a girlfriendddddd haha stupid me.

Year 1 and 2 passed, and I was still a really promising student (in the eyes of the school), and I could still redeem myself socially if I pulled out of my little own world. BUT NO.

Year 3 and 4. life went on, failures began. and in the deepest core in me, everything more or less remained the same. I was introduced to God as Love, but was blind and couldn't see (feel). The girl I got with so I could be cool became the closest companion at that time. She was then the best companion I'd ever had, always calm and helpful, always being the polar opposite of me and bringing balance to my recklessness by holding me back. Where she lacked, I received from my other new companion, all those sweet lies I said to gain attention and love, to feed the inner demon in me which yearned for attention and intimacy. That was a great time for, I succeeded in academics, had a chance to pursue Olympiads, true that many leadership positions collapsed, but Tennis went on well and strong. I had a great companion who I could always rely on, my future was set. It really could have been.

But then I grew. Year 5 and 6 comes later.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Seeing him making you smile reminds me of how I've failed to.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sometimes, when I settle down in silence and let the darkness in me creep through my bones. I wonder why I'm here messing you up.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why don't you just fucking kill me?

Thursday, April 18, 2013


April 19, 2013…

Life is not about “I was”, do not relish in past glories, nor regret in past failures.
Life is not about “I will”, do not float in dreams of the future, nor tremble in worries of tomorrow.
Life is about “I am”, live an authentic life, in all its beauty and all its weakness.

I would describe myself as a being of the now.

Just yesterday, I was badly thrashed in the interschool tournament. In 6 months time, I will hand down captainship to the next leader. Now, I am Captain of the Tennis Team of NUS High School.

There is that minimum that a student leader needs to accomplish. Yet, there is that much more possibilities and potential one can realize. And I am burn to realize my dreams for the team.

Despite being fortunate to have played in the nation-wide tennis tournament for 4 years, all the match experience was still insufficient to perform in the national tennis scene. We lack commitment, we lack training, but most importantly, we lack the “know of winning”. Despite being better skilled than many of our opponents, we lost through mental and emotional weakness.

I will not allow my juniors to fall the same way we did, I will initiate a culture of commitment. I will have to train the juniors, and above all, I will have to push them to strengthen mentally and emotionally.

I spend time now nurturing the leaders I need to assist me. I plan now to meet the targets which I have set. I, too, surge forward now to grow sufficiently for the trials ahead.

I am a collective of my past experiences, my dreams and hopes of the future, and my actions now. Only time will tell if I succeed.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"What the heart speaks, the mind rarely comprehends."

Aye. Aye.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sex, relaxation and tension

Men and women whisper to each other because they have turned a sacred gesture into a sinful act.
This is the world in which we live. And while robbing the present moment of its reality can be dangerous, disobedience can also be a virtue, when we know how to use it.
If two bodies merely join together, that is not sex, it is merely pleasure.
Sex goes far beyond pleasure.
In sex, relaxation and tension go hand in hand, as do pain and pleasure, shyness and the courage to go beyond one’s limits.
How can such opposing states exist in harmony together? There is only one way: by surrendering yourself.
Because the act of surrender means: ‘I trust you.’
It isn’t enough to imagine everything that might happen if we allowed ourselves to join not just our bodies, but our souls as well.
Let us plunge together, then, down the dangerous path of surrender.
It may be dangerous, but it is the only path worth following.
Let us forget all that we are taught about how it is noble to give and humiliating to receive.
Because for most people, generosity consists only in giving, but receiving is also an act of love.
Allowing someone else to make us happy will make them happy too.
By Paulo Coelho

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tomorrow is your birthday
And part of me feels sorry for you

For you to have a boyfriend 
who hasn't prepared anything for you
who doesn't feel like celebrating it for you
who doesn't feel like making you feel happy tomorrow
who doesn't even know what the hell he is doing with you
If I said I still care about you, 
what would you do?
If I said I am getting very tired of all these mixed emotions that arise at the sound of your name,
what would you do?
If I said I would rather forget you completely, but can't,
What would you do?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


If hearts could sing, 
what music would mine make?

Would it thump with fiery drums?
The chanting and singing of war?
A raw chaotic beat of hatred and angst?

Or would it be a resigned sighing?
The whispering of men with broken spirit,
A wearied murmur of Hope crushed and lost.

It may scream the wails of banshees
Horrifying yet beautiful, resilient yet despairing.
The futile cries for the dead long and gone.

It may be the howl of a lone wolf
The steely cold of the midnight breeze.
The confidence of a maverick calm and free.

But where can it find?

The peace and grace of a dancer?
The contentment of a clear bell ring?
The joy of a silent prayer answered.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Cycle of Nature

In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat: there is only movement.
The winter struggles to reign supreme, but, in the end, is obliged to accept spring’s victory, which brings with it flowers and happiness.
The summer would like to make its warm days last for ever, because it believes that warmth is good for the earth, but, finally, it has to accept the arrival of autumn, which will allow the earth to rest.
The gazelle eats the grass and is devoured by the lion. It isn’t a matter of who is the strongest, but God’s way of showing us the cycle of death and resurrection.
And within that cycle there are neither winners nor losers, there are only stages that must be gone through. When the human heart understands this, it is free, able to accept difficult times and not be deceived by moments of glory.
Both will pass. One will succeed the other. And the cycle will continue until we liberate ourselves from the flesh and find the Divine Energy.
Therefore, when the fighter is in the ring – whether by his own choice or because unfathomable destiny has placed him there – may his spirit be filled with joy at the prospect of the fight ahead. If he holds on to his dignity and his honour, then, even if he loses the fight, he will never be defeated, because his soul will remain intact.
And he will blame no one for what is happening to him.
Ever since he fell in love for the first time and was rejected, he has known that this did not put paid to his ability to love.
What is true in love is also true in war.
-Paulo Coelho-

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Dance of Life

"Befriending death seems to be the basis of all other forms of befriending. I have a deep sense, hard to articulate, that if we could really befriend death we would be free people. So many of our doubts and hesitations, ambivalences, and insecurities are bound up with our deep-seated fear of death that our lives would be significantly different if we could relate to death as a familiar guest instead of a threatening stranger."

-Henri  Nouwen-  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

ARP report

It's about breaking conformity.
It's about being a unique zealot.
It's about a small-against-big fight.

It's about non-acceptance.
Blind non-acceptance.

Faith is where a man holds his ground.
I hold mine in between.
And you hold yours in the extremes.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Peruvian Priest

In my book “The Alchemist”, the young shepherd Santiago meets an old man in the town square. He is searching for a treasure, but does not know how to reach it. The old man starts up a conversation with him:
“How many sheep have you got?”
“Enough,” answers Santiago.
“Then we have a problem. I can’t help if you think you have enough sheep.”
Based on this extract, the Peruvian priest Clemente Sobrado wrote an interesting piece, which I transcribe below
One of the biggest problems that we drag around with us all our life is to want to believe we have “enough sheep”. We are surrounded by certainties, and nobody wants someone showing up to propose something new. If we could only suspect that we don’t have everything, and that we aren’t all that we could be!
Maybe we are all faced with a very serious problem, namely that although we have the opportunity to help one another, the truth is that few people let themselves be helped.
Why is that? Because they think they have “enough sheep”. They already know everything, they are always right, they feel comfortable in their lives.
Almost all of us are like that: we have many things but few aspirations. We have many ideas already sorted out, and we don’t want to give them up. Our life scheme is already organized and we don’t need someone trying to make changes.
We’ve done enough praying, practiced charity, read the lives of the saints, gone to Mass, taken communion. A friend of mine once said: “I don’t know why I come to visit you, father. I am already a good Christian.”
On that day I could not help answering:
“Then don’t come to visit me, because there are a lot of people waiting to see me and they are all full of doubts. But one thing you ought to know: You aren’t bad enough to be bad, nor good enough to be good, nor holy enough to work miracles.
“You are just a Christian satisfied with what you have achieved. And all those who are satisfied have in fact renounced the ideal of always improving. Let’s talk about this some other time, all right?”
Ever since then, whenever we speak on the telephone he starts by saying: “this person who is calling hasn’t yet grown up as much as he could”.
Lord, give us always a dissatisfied heart.
Give us a heart where the questions that we never want to ask can be voiced.
Deliver us from our conformism.
Make us able to enjoy what we have, but let us understand that this is not everything.
Let us appreciate that we are good people.
But above all, make us always ask ourselves how we can become better people.
Because if we ask, then it is quite possible that You will come and show us horizons that we couldn’t see before.

From Paulo

Our Yearly Dementia Test

1. What do you put in a toaster?

Answer: ‘bread.’ If you said ‘toast’ give up now and do something else..
Try not to hurt yourself.
If you said, bread, go to Question 2.
2. Say ‘silk’ five times. Now spell ‘silk.’ What do cows drink?

Answer: Cows drink water. If you said ‘milk,’ don’t attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading more appropriate literature such as Auto World.
However, if you said ‘water’, proceed to question 3.
4. Without using a calculator – You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales. In London, 17 people get on the bus.
In Reading, 6 people get off the bus and 9 people get on.
In Swindon, 2 people get off and 4 get on.
In Cardiff, 11 people get off and 16 people get on.
In Swansea, 3 people get off and 5 people get on.
In Carmarthen, 6 people get off and 3 get on.
You then arrive at Milford Haven..
Without scrolling back to review, how old is the bus driver?

Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!
Don’t you remember your own age?
It was YOU driving the bus!!
If you pass this along to your friends, pray they do better than you.
PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!

From Paulo Coelho's blog

Carol of The Bells


We are gonna try this for Christmas! *Gasp* spazzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Pencil

A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked:
‘Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about me?’
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:
I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.’
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn’t seem very special.
‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!’
‘That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.’
‘First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.’
‘Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpner. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.
‘Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.’
‘Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.’
‘Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. in just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action’

-Paulo Coelho-
I don't understand why you insist that we both continue to haunt each other.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Why are you so beautiful? You make me so unsure; you reduce me to a little child. Those words of yours add a whole new dimension to you which never ceases to amaze me...

Deep down, I know I fear that I'm not worthy of you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I really wanted to say that? Did I? that last bit there? at that point I felt that I really had to let it out of me, that I really had to let you know. But normally, the feeling is not there... WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY am i so screwed up.

Comments on the previous post

LOL it's pretty damn interesting how the most important part of that post came out only so little at the end. So similar to how conversations normally develop. I need to learn to cut the crap too. And make others cut the crap as well. xD (or just cut it for them HAHA)

Driving lesson #2

Oorah? I guess its supposed to be all exciting (my first 2 driving lessons) but no... I just feel like sleeping... and driving is really no big deal. It's pretty damn stressful actually, especially since my dad forced me to drive a manual transmission and I keep killing the engine (gosh i suck) I managed to kill the engine while executing a climbing curve: I just died right in the middle of the road. EPIC FAIL. Ignoring all my failures and all, I do agree with dad that driving in Indonesia is pretty damn hardcore. Motorcycles racing around you left right center. No lanes on the road. Humps and potholes all over. Hawkers walking around the road with wares and all. Man, can't believe you're allowed to drive in Indo with a Singapore license yet not the other way round XD Indonesia should be like the standard of driving for an international license! Like I have driven through the streets of hell so suck all! But I guess it doesn't work that way. I guess places like Brazil and Mexico would be worst/comparable eh?

Got a rundown of the family financial situation... Not too sad as I previously thought, but pretty damn sad too... Really must thank Susuk for tanking so much for my dad ohhwell... HAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...

Am supposed to be doing work for ARP offsite and all but as I knew would happen, nothing ever get's done when I'm so farrrr awayyyy... At least I keep tabs on the results of our daily lab results! THANK YOU LIKE CRAZY CLAIRE CHEONG! Have no clue how DCARP is... Been trying to learn up a bit online about Maxwell Equations but I can't freaking understand the integral forms... what bloody line integral of E field across an area?!!! I need ricardo damn.

Candlelight Carol parts singing is not too bad... I'm familiar with it but I need more practice before the first Christmas Choir Prac... My first official job as Bass Section Leader (can't screw it up)... It's really pathetic that I'm Bass SL, Jo can't read scores, and all the other basses are... jokers... Not that it's bad but... HAI... I'm like not the man for the job, but I'm the best choice left meehhhhh....

It's pretty funny how the incentive now for me to post on my blog is you and not you... Lol HAHA how is that supposed to sound? My lower right back still hurts... Dad thinks that swimming would help it but who knows. I got to eat my pudding! got 10 freaking puddings to eat 'cos I just decided to order one of each flavour to try! I think I should head down now after this post to eat... Then maybe i'll head over for a swim... WHY DO MY COUSINS HAVE SO MANY INSTRUMENTS! 2 guitars which are barely played, a super nice keyboard which is also barely played and I DUNNO WHAT ELSE THEY HAVE! William just pulled out a melodica randomly! I wanna play Siempre on it! It sounds so goooddddd although it's some kiddies version it still sounds so sexxxyyyyyyyy OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG.

How do I feel?

Very emotionless, very neutral and all. I guess I'm not working much with my emotions. You need to force me. Or maybe I can get Nic to force me... But Nic is all busy with his social life and all now... bleargh... can't wait to be back in Singapore, productivity in terms of everything is bound to increase... I feel so horrible, no self-discipline to push myself to work when I'm in such a comfortable position... Mehhhhhhh... It feels so different now, and I guess I'm afraid that's something wrong, I don't feel what I think I should be feeling about you (double meaning woah!) and I don't know why as well for both... Internet in Kintamani is not too bad... But somehow it seems that it hates Blogger. Or specifically the editting of Blogger (which includes writing a post) I stared at this screen for like 5 minutes before I could start typing OMG. That's why I'm trying to get as much down as possible on this today...

Ama needs an angioplasty but she doesn't want to do... And I really dunno. If she doesnt do it, it's dangerous and all... But if she does it, it's dangerous too, and she won't be able to go US with my cousins... maybe that is better for her? (to think about it... going to US with the blocked artery is damn dangerous...) Dad wants me to try to convince her to go for the surgery ASAP but it's like... Hai, how do I even talk to her about this kind of stuff? Language and culture epic barrier... How do I feel about this? Frankly speaking I don't care. Yea, that hurts doesn't it? I don't really care about when she does the Angio. Or at least that what I feel! Not much feeling in regards to this, or they are all bottled up. I need to pray and spend so much time for myself... Something I've been preaching but not doing much, eh? Haha... Please, help me with this when you're back, it's something I don't want to admit, but my lack of self-discipline is so urggghhh... Let's grow together, shall we? xD

What's a bit worrying is life in the future... Assuming I go for NTU Renaissance Engineering Program, that would mean I would leave Uni at 25... And I want kids before 28 (Damn), I dunno, it's like a very big benchmark for me, it sounds so trivial but to me, it is really important! I want to be relatively young when my kids are my age and all... I hope to be able to relate to them and have a solid relationship with them and all... Don't want to be brought down by illnesses and body breaking down effect so early in my children's life... Wanna play sports nicely with my kids HAHA (Dad can't play tennis much with me le, cos of his back SIAN) So I guess that's how my life will go... I really got to be able to succeed in life by 28 to get married and all in Singapore... Or maybe I have to work in Indo instead... It's really tempting and all... Working for my dad, (now that it seems there's quite a few things to do around here) but still... It's not what I want to do, but it is the nearest and most obvious mean to the goal of having kids by 28 and being able to decently support them... And I wouldn't at all be using anything I learn at REP. At least not much... AND I NEED A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE (DAMN).

I wanna know you more. So much more. There's so much emptiness between us. Yea, I don't feel much when we text and all. When we were together, I've been trying to fill that emptiness with physical intimacy cos we didn't have much time together all these while... And you're not easy to talk to too. ALL OVER AGAIN OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. And really, if you want to know how I feel God's letting me grow through you, I think that you would provide opportunities for me practice my self-control, my patience, the Finnish understanding (dunnid to talk much but will know what is happening)... And it really feels like a repeat, but here's the million dollar question: Is it supposed to be that way? Or am I making it seem that way because of my past mistake? I'm sorry, I feel very sorry for you. As much as I can feel sorry for anyone in my current state of mind/heart.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Plans for 2013

Alright people! 2012 ain't over yet, but here is the plan for 2013! I just really feel like putting next year into perspective 'cos next year is gonna be sooooooooo crazily filled with opportunities and time!

Wanna learns
The Green Plan!!!! (SDYC??)
Spend more time with Church Friends
Singing! (everyone can sing, I just wanna learn to sing better)
Research (if we choose to continue)
Spend quality time with school friends too!
Physics Interest Group (Since it is my last year, might as well do something good about it)

House??? ( not sure man…)



Anything missing?

La Danza de Fuego

Cuanto más he de esperar

Cuánto más he de buscar
Para poder encontrar
La luz que sé que hay en mí

He vivido en soledad
Rodeado de multitud
Nunca he conseguido amar
Pues no me quiero ni yo

Cuando veas una estrella fugaz
Guárdala en tu corazón
Es el alma de alguien que consiguió
Dar a los suyos su amor

Cuando oigas a un niño preguntar
Por qué el sol viene y se va
Dile: porque en esta vida no hay
Luz sin oscuridad

Si eres capaz de devolver
Con una sonrisa una traición
Si eres capaz de dar tu mano a quien
Con la suya te señaló

No eches raíces en un sitio, muévete
Pues no eres un árbol, para eso tienes dos pies
El hombre más sabio es el que sabe que su hogar
Es tan grande como pueda imaginar

Cuando veas una estrella fugaz
Guárdala en tu corazón
Es el alma de alguien que consiguió
Dar a los suyos su amor

Cuando oigas a un niño preguntar
Por qué el sol viene y se va
Dile: porque en esta vida no hay
Luz sin oscuridad

El mejor día es en el que el alma
Tiene hambre y sed
No olvides lo aprendido
No dejes de comprender

Rodéate de buenos
Y tú lo parecerás
Rodéate de sabios
Y algo en ti se quedará

El mejor día es en el que el alma
Tiene hambre y sed
No olvides lo aprendido
No dejes de comprender

Rodéate de buenos
Y tú lo parecerás

Cuando veas una estrella fugaz
Guárdala en tu corazón
Es el alma de alguien que consiguió
Dar a los suyos su amor

Cuando oigas a un niño preguntar
Por qué el sol viene y se va
Dile: porque en esta vida no hay
Luz sin oscuridad

Cuando veas una estrella fugaz
Guárdala en tu corazón
Es el alma de alguien que consiguió
Dar a los suyos su amor

Cuando oigas a un niño preguntar
Por qué el sol viene y se va
Dile: porque en esta vida no hay
Luz sin oscuridad

no, no hay bien sin mal,
luz sin oscuridad.
The more I wait
The more I look
In order to find
The light in me

I lived in solitude
Surrounded by crowd
I can never love
Well I do not even want me

When you see a shooting star
Keep it in your heart
It is the soul of someone who got
Give your love theirs

When you hear a child ask
Why the sun comes and goes
Say, because in this life there
Light without darkness

If you are able to return
With a smile a betrayal
If you can give your hand to whom
With it you said

Do not throw roots in a place, move
Well, you're not a tree, for that you have two feet
The wisest man is he who knows home
It's as big as you can imagine

When you see a shooting star
Keep it in your heart
It is the soul of someone who got
Give your love theirs

When you hear a child ask
Why the sun comes and goes
Say, because in this life there
Light without darkness

The best day is when the soul
Hunger and thirst
Do not forget what they learned
Be sure to understand

Surround yourself with good
And you look like
Surround yourself with wise
And some of you will stay

The best day is when the soul
Hunger and thirst
Do not forget what they learned
Be sure to understand

Surround yourself with good
And you look like

When you see a shooting star
Keep it in your heart
It is the soul of someone who got
Give your love theirs

When you hear a child ask
Why the sun comes and goes
Say, because in this life there
Light without darkness

When you see a shooting star
Keep it in your heart
It is the soul of someone who got
Give your love theirs

When you hear a child ask
Why the sun comes and goes
Say, because in this life there
Light without darkness

no, no good without evil,
light without darkness.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Emotionally immature

I guess I still got a long way to go... Did some pretty silly things, which just ended up confusing me... Are they related? Are they not? Would an opposite reaction have been affected by it? Pretty emotionally unaware still mehhhh.

I guess I made myself look like a fool. The entire of last night. But ohh well, time to move on. I should talk to him, if I get the chance.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Superman (lyrics edit)

I can't stand when you fly (Yes, I know right, it's kinda lame: this is actually the change which inspired this whole thing)
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me 

(The last 2 stanzas could be sung by Male or Both, I guess. It makes sense that way too... Just seems a bit weird cutting the female voice off just as it was introduced after 2 lines, I guess) (since when was I so affected by the musicality of songs? :O )

I'm more than a bird

I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train (Female? Both?)

It's not easy to be me 

Male (Or Both!) :
I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'bout a home I'll never see 

It may sound absurd, b
ut don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but won't you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream

It's not easy to be me 

Up, up and away, away from me

Well, it's all right: you can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy, or anything

I can't stand to fly

I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees 

I'm (You're) only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me (inside of me...)

It's not easy to be me.

I dunno. LOL never had Superman struck me this way before... But I guess... The lyrics are already so apt. Just a change in perspective, add in a new dimension to it, and now it's like a beautiful conversation of sorts... Sigh... it's so nice...


  • fire...
  • & Good company
  • Pretty much thats all...