About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 2 of Exams

Well, now that my head is clearer, let's take a look at this...

LOL, Keith Loke thought i take malay as mother tongue, he was damn shock to see me doing gonghan, and was practically staring at my paper for like 10 seconds++ watching me write chinese LOL

Paper 1 was kinda screwed... >< super shit, i have no clue what i would be getting for it lor....

Paper 2 was better, but still, super fail, i thought it was 2 hours long, so was like planning to do a 30-45-45 for MCQ-Compre1-Compre2 timing, so when it was 15 minutes left, i was about to start compre2, i was like, "shit, GG, 15 minutes for compre2" lucky it was not too hard, and i managed to finish it on time, still got time look at victor rushing his compre xD

haha, math was fucking fun! like seriously fucking fun! super tiring and damn tough (for me) but i totally loved it lor! damn long have not done mathematics test/exams which actually gave me a sense of satisfaction (: totally awesome!!!!

Haha, then last night was pretty fine till i had to interact with people. took my bath, prep the house, then watched tv, sis came home, did not talk much. then parents came home, ate dinner. After that, i switched on lappie to check on whether Simin and Samantha came online since 8pm. lol, so i checked back and forth during tv advertisements (and yes, this is the only time i had watched tv properly for a really long time xD)

then dad came and kope the laptop, he disconnected the laptop from power supply without switching the powersupply off, damn WTF la, last time he scold me for charging laptop wrongly, then now he did that. WTFWTFWTF

Then i dont care, signed out of msn then logged into desktop. then after that just switched it off at the next commercial break, screw smp la, was fucking tired.

Then my mum passed me my phone, fucking irritating, just as i was about to sleep, cock la, i had to switch laptop on cos i had no phone, and YES, tuition! mum was scolding me why never tell tuition teacher i was not coming the following day, and i was like "WTF, where is my phone?" in my heart like duh, then went to call his home number. ya, anyway, then i was lying on the bed, then convo with mum

Mum"you wanna sleep le?"
Mum"you want on aircon?"
I obviously dont mind right? so damn bloody hot, i was already lying on my bed in only my boxers
Me"i dont mind"

so yea, mum switched aircon on.

so there, was smsing samantha telling her what to do, and she had to talk so much shit halfway through i realised i should have smsed simin instead of her. the whole point i smsed her was bcos i thought she would be damn dao and just like, "ok." and shuddup, end up she ask so much bloody questions and suddenly her last sms was "bull." WTFFFFF

i left my phone on my room table and laid on my bed, then after that smsed her a few more times, making sure she knows what she was supposed to do. then still no fking reply.

then after that, dad came into my room, i told him i was sleeping, (indeed i was asleep until he came in) then dad go look at my phone, i had a new sms, so i snatched the phone back. It was from a friend. then mum came in, and dad told her i was asleep

So mum got damn fucking mad, she scolded me for not returning the phone, then i got caned. (like so damn fucking long never get cane le) then after that she took my phone away.

I went online again afterwards(and did the previous post) mum came out and scolded me again and ask me to go to sleep. WTF man, just got caned and scolded you expect people go to sleep? i ended up lying on my bed screaming silently and hitting my head until i slept... damn

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