About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It just struck me if some random person somehow entered my blog, they would think i am some hardcore nerd. anyway, ORGANELLE TIME!!!

Consist of Nuclear Membrane(2 layers) with pores (octets). Nucleolus.
DNA replicate here. All those stuff talk later in the later chapters la, anyway, ribosomes are made here, mix of RNA and proteins.

60+40=80 Sveberg

With tRNA, translate mRNA into polypeptide

Smooth synthesizes lipids carbohydrates and all the whatnot, in liver(especially) detoxify toxins.

Rough, produce proteins and stuff to send out of cell or to cell membrane(via golgi)

Golgi, post office and editor cis and trans sides, cis is incoming side, trans is going away, dynamic

Vacuoles, random balls in animals,
1. trashbag
2. color holder
3. ensure turgidity
4. increase surface area: volume ratio
5. defensive chemicals holder
6. storage of good stuff?
7. i dunno liao shit

Need activation from golgi. Consist of all the breaking down enzymes (lipase, proease, glucase, fructase, balalallala) generally lower pH for these enzymes to work.

Got primary lysosomes (fresh new nomnom) , secondary(nomnom already), autophagolysosomes (nomnom old organlles)

Power houses. 3 layers? cisternae(like ERs) to increase surface area

Power house. Consist of thylakoids. Photosynthesis. confirm 3 layers, but innermost layer extension.

Do nothing, plants dont have them

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