About Me

Youth. Self Proclaimed (or maybe just a lofty fantasy) global citizen. Idealist. Wants to change the world. Thus crazy like hell. Has issues with sloth! (how am i supposed to change the world now?) Dreamer and wanderer

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mugging for Bio

As you can see, i am not really mugging now lol. Should be mugging bio, and am trying to. Gonna be reading Lesson 8 next, aka, last lesson. When I am done with that, shall take a bath, and if time, churn out a few more notes. Shall finish up the notes after dinner, and after that, read through my own notes a few times, test myself, then do math. Then test myself again.

Well... Lets be random and try to churn out stuff I should know.

Lecture 1
Microscopy and Cell Theory

Who invented the Microscope --> Robert Hooke 17th century
Types of Microscopes:
SEM: Not elaborated on
TEM: elaborated a lot
Fix, dehydrate, stain, (shit one more here, cant rmb name) sectioning, mounting.
Light Microscope
Phase Contrast
damn i have no more clue.

Cell Theory:
1. All organisms are made up of cells
2. All Cells come from preexisting cells
3. Cells are the basic unit of life.

Other things about Cells
I remember there are 9 things about this...

1. Cells use energy
2. Cells react to stimuli
3. Cells reproduce
4. Cells can regulate
5. Cells can make internal changes (hormones/enzymes)
6. Cells (shit, cant rmb le) have genes
7. Cells... zzzz

Chapter 2:
Membrane Structure and Function

Cell membrane there to separate internal and external environment
As for other membranes, like to ensure localisation of organelles peroxisomes, mitochondria

Fluid Mosaic Model: Fluid meant by the fact that phospholipids can move around all over the place laterally on the surface. Mosaic referring to the array of proteins on the fluid layer.

1. Kinks in lipid tail of phospholipids: prevent solidification by preventing the phospholipids from packing.
2. Cholesterol: At high temperatures, they restrain the movement of phospholipids
At low temperatures, they prevent solidification by prevention of

Molecules cross the layer via.

1. Passive transport (diffusion, facilitated diffusion{channel diffusion, carrier diffusion})

2. Active transport (against the concentration gradient) require hydrolyzing of ATP

Peripheral and Integral (GG, math)
Peripheral--> on the layer, (signal transduction, support(connected to cytoskeleton)
Integral --> Ampiphatic, either all the way through or just one side. Used for transport mainly, as above. Other uses too like Cell to cell recognition, cell to cell adhesion, adhesion to ECM(same way as connection to cytoskeleton: for maintaining shape)

Other uses of Proteins, catalyst for reactions (enzymes), damn, i think im missing out on stuff too...

That's all eh?

Correction time!

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